Gyanaya School


Criteria/class Toddler /Play group Pre nursery Nursery/LKG UKG
Documents required • Child’s birth certificate.
• Parent ID
• Address proof
Same Same Same
Registration form availability Yes Yes Yes Yes
Date for interaction At the time of submission
of registration forms.
Same Same Same
Pre requisites None None Recognition of Numbers,Alphabets Shapes,
Colours,Animals,Fruits and Vegetables writing of Capital letters and Numbers1-20..
Knowledge of previous
Year curriculum.
Age as on 31st march 2020 2 years and above 3 years and above 4 years and above 5 years and above


Criteria/class I II III IV V
Documents required • Child’s birth certificate.
• Parent ID
• Address proof
• Child’s birth certificate.
• Parent ID
• Address proof
• Report card of previous
• Transfer certificate from the previous school.
Same Same Same
Registration form availability Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Date for interaction At the time of submission
of registration forms.
Same Same Same Same
Pre requisites Knowledge of the previous class curriculum. Knowledge of the previous class curriculum. Knowledge of the previous class curriculum.
especially English & Hindi Grammar,
mathematics and science.
Knowledge of the previous class curriculum.
especially English & Hindi Grammar,
mathematics and science.
Knowledge of the previous class curriculum.
especially English& Hindi Grammar,
mathematics and science.
Age as on 31st March 2020 6 years and above 7 years and above 8 years and above 9 years and above 10 years and above